Create Your "Customer Retention Strategy"
A Customer Retention Strategy is one of the most important guidelines in your business. Made up of 2 main components that combined with your Vision, Mission and Values creating your Culture that is reflected in your Brand and shared with your Staff and Customers.

Your Customer Retention Strategy includes ...
- Your Customer Experience Journey - Six Stages that clearly define the touch points that engage and retain your Customers.
- Your Staff Experience Journey - Six Stages that clearly define the experiences to be created at every touch point by your staff to engage and retain your Customers.
- A clearly defined Mission, Vision and Values supported by the Common Goal of your Business.
Imagine fabric and it's texture - made up of different colour threads that are woven together to create patterns, emotions, feelings - that is either strong enough to hold you or disintegrates as it the weave breaks. The bespoke weave represents your unique Culture.

Share each step of each Journey with your team so they claim the experiences that they will deliver.
Engage with Intention to Create Memories every single time ...
Creating Customers who create more customers ...
The Benefits of Your Customer Retention Strategy...
- A brand that retains staff who have a clear purpose and understand their significance claiming and taking accountability for creating experiences that ensure your customer return.
- A brand that creates customers that become mobile bill boards, creating more customers on your behalf as Raving Fans.
- A brand that can thrive and step up to take the lead. A brand that is driven by clarity and purpose understanding exactly what your customers pain points are and taking guidance in creating solutions that your customers are part of.
- A sustainable, innovative and agile business that will be in business for the long term.
What happens if I do not have any Vision, Values and Missions?
What happens if we do not have a Customer Experience Strategy?
What happens if we do not have a Staff Experience Strategy?
Is the information unpacked throughout the process confidential?
"I honestly thought that a Customer Experience Journey (never mind a Customer Retention Strategy ...) was a complete waste of time and effort. Unpacking each step of the six stages quickly highlighted gaps (never mind things to change) that we had, that once we understood their impact, we were able to put into place.
Initially we kicked back at the process and slowly realised it's value, both in clarity for our staff and our expectations of what they were expected to deliver. We also reduced costs as understood the financial impact of missing touch points and then most critically started see the positive results land on our bottom line. Our customer ratings increased along with our retention of customers as we pursued and listened more closely to what our customer feedback was and incorporated that into the work that we did.
Sitting on the other side of the process now - I can clearly say do not fight it - embrace it. It will become a differentiator for your business."