Book A Call with Peach

How Are You Redesigning Your Customer Engagement During & Post Covid-19?

The connection to a customer in a world pre the Covid19 pandemic was a mix of multiple channels opening the door to a customers brand of choice.  Clearly understood by all, allowing access via multiple channels

  • Physical (Face to Face)
  • Remote (Email, Phone)
  • Digital (Online, Automated Chats)

For most companies the decisions about what resources were deployed to engage through what channel was often a financial one, supported by the benefits of the channel ie. digital (online sales and support) could provide services cheaper than a face to face engagement that required rental and costs to support it.

The pandemic has challenged that approach as we have gone back to the baseline of a relationship. People want to be emotionally appreciated and supported by people.   It has to be said though that we cannot go backwards to the challenge is to find a New Normal that is going to connect with the very real need to be recognised and have a “human component” in...

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